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Table 1 Description of indicators analysed and mapped using 2000 MDHS data

From: Geographical disparities in core population coverage indicators for roll back malaria in Malawi



Numerator (Y i )

Denominator (N i )


Ownership of bednets

Number of households possessing at least one bednet

Total number of households surveyed


Use of bednets by under 5 children

Number of under 5 children slept under net night before the survey

Total number of under 5 children in surveyed households


Re-treatment of bednets

Number of households with net retreated with insecticide within past 6–12 months

Total number of households possessing a net


Prompt and effective treatment of fever

Number of under 5 children receiving any anti-malarial treatment within 24 hours of onset of fever

Total number of under 5 children who had fever 2 weeks before survey


Use of intermittent preventive treatment by pregnant women

Number of pregnant women who used antimalarials during their last pregnancy

Total number of pregnant women surveyed who gave birth within 5 years to the survey date