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Table 4 Targeting characteristics of the 40 voucher programs

From: Lessons from sexual and reproductive health voucher program design and function: a comprehensive review

Targeting mechanisms



Using means testing (MT) with or without other forms of targeting



  • Use only means testing (MT)


5 VPs in India use a BPL card, 3 in Cambodia use a poor card, others mainly use questionnaires, but 2 VPs in China used community-based participatory approaches to identify the poor

  • Use MT in combination with geographical targeting (GT)


GT usually used to identify poor rural or slum areas, questionnaires (MT) in urban or peri-urban areas

  • MT for SMH and FP services and universal targeting for Safe Abortion and GBV


The KfW funded voucher programs used universal targeting for specific services: Cambodia (safe abortion), Kenya (GBV services) and MT for others

Using only geographical targeting


A range of VPs in many countries targeted at areas identified as poor such as rural areas (i.e. Nicaragua) or slums (i.e. India) or vulnerable groups in poor areas (adolescents, sex workers)

Using universal targeting


Armenia, Taiwan, Korea (Taiwan and Korea moved to MT at a later stage)