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Archived Comments for: Social inequalities in the utilization of maternal care in Bangladesh: Have they widened or narrowed in recent years?

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  1. Errata

    Mohammad Hajizadeh, Dalhousie University

    6 January 2015

    There are some minor typos in the second paragrpah of the Descriptive statistics sub-section. This pragraph should read as:

    As illustrated in Figure 2 (Panel a and b), there were geographic differences in maternal care use across divisions. While the average rates of ANC were higher in Khulna and Chittagong compared to other division in 1995, women in Rajshahi, Khulna and Barisal utilized relatively more ANC in 2010 (Figure 2a and b). The utilization of FBD was highest in Dhaka at the beginning of the study period; however, by 2010, Khulna had the highest rate of FBD (Figure 2a and b). The SBA rate was higher in Khulna throughout all years. In general, the utilization of all three measures of maternal care was lower in Sylhet relative to other five divisions (Figure 2a and b).







    Competing interests

    None declared
